Sorry for the six month delay. To "rewhet" (or "rewet" as the content of this post may elicit) your appetite, I present you with two little swimmers.
First, baby Roby explores our local pool for the first time. Second, a beautiful Copper River Salmon on an arugla panzanella salad paddles across our Colorado table.
The weather in the Colorado Front Range has finally turned from an especially distasteful winter to a much more comestible "spummer." In Colorado we don't really have many long, Nashe-esque springs nor do we have well-defined summers as we can have a winter snow shower in June. We seem to jump from winter to summer and back to winter with only a small window for activities that normally happen in spring and fall. However, we are not complaining around here. In fact, we decided it was time to take the little robot on her first trip to the pool.
(Roby prepares for the big dip)
(Daddy and Roby made "extra warm water" and were very happy)
Also today we encountered another great swimmer: the Copper River Salmon (CPS). The CPS is one of the finest fishes found in North America. Like a Colorado spring, the CPS is only available for a short time and it must be consumed quickly and voraciously. Below you will behold a beautiful grilled specimen that has been lacquered with sorghum and lemon and laid on a bed of bitter arugula and zesty croutons. Sylvia said it was one of the best meals I have ever made for her. She must have been affected by the "extra warm water."
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